Dr.Bin Yu
191 2017-04-24
宏景北京USMLE講師天津中醫(yī)藥大學引進人才,副教授教育工作天津醫(yī)科大學 臨床醫(yī)學系 天津醫(yī)科大學實驗中心 助理研究員 (胃癌病理) 英國愛丁堡大學醫(yī)學院 School of Biological Sciences獎學金資助博士 (細胞和分子生物學) 英國愛丁堡大學獸醫(yī)學院 Wellcome Trust 博士后研究員 (神經學) 英國倫敦大學國王學院British Heart Foundation 博士后研究員(心血管) 英國諾丁漢大學附屬醫(yī)院女王醫(yī)學中心(Queens Medical Center) 脊柱外科醫(yī)生 英國阿伯丁大學皇家醫(yī)院(Aberdeen Royal Infirmary) 普通外科醫(yī)生兼職 BBC中國健康顧問 中國衛(wèi)生部醫(yī)改專家小組代表團優(yōu)質翻譯 香港宏景教育集團 美國執(zhí)業(yè)醫(yī)師考試培訓專家 天津醫(yī)藥雜志英文編輯 中國結合醫(yī)學雜志英文版外審編輯科研 參與或主持過國際課題3項,國內課題一項。發(fā)表SCI文章10余篇。14年發(fā)表7篇SCI文章,影響因子超過30。社會職務 中國天津市民進黨黨員 全英華人生命科學家協(xié)會常務理事 曾連續(xù)兩屆擔任全英學生學者聯(lián)合會副主席 曾連續(xù)三屆被選為愛丁堡地區(qū)學生學者聯(lián)合會主席 留學期間作為杰出留學生代表被蘇格蘭首相和當時國際a主席胡錦濤接見,并被BBC專題報道。Education background and work experience:Tian Jin Medical University Bachelor in Clinic MedicineUniversity of Edinburgh, College of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine (Awarded a 3 Yr PhD Studentship of the School of Biological Sciences)University of Edinburgh, Neuroscience, College of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine Wellcome Trust Postdoctoral Research FellowKing’s College London University, cardiology, College of Medicine British Heart Foundation, Postdoctoral scientistResident Doctor in Queen’s Medical Center of Nottingham University (Spin Unit)Resident Doctor in Aberdeen Royal Infirmary, Aberdeen University (General Surgery)Health consultant of BBC ChinaTranslator for Chinese healthcare reform delegate from Ministry of Health Introduced talent for Tian Jin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Associate Professor.Research:Published 14 international peer reviewed scientific paper which were included in SCI. Host or attend 3 international grant and 1 Grant from Tian Jin 1 international conferenceSocial Activities:2004-2005 Vice Chairman, Edinburgh Chinese Students & Scholars Association 2005-2008 Chairman, Edinburgh Chinese Student & Scholar Association 2007-2009 Vice Chairman, United Kingdom Chinese student & Scholar Association Personal Licences: 2002 UK licence to work with Radioactivity 2009 UK personal animal licence 2010 UK full driving licence 2012 UK G eneral Medical council full registration